Falkirk Council Asset Review

Falkirk Council is looking at how to better use community buildings in ways that make them cost effective. It wants to develop options for future leisure and sports in Bo’ness. It is also looking at options and suggestions to meet education and community needs in our Schools. We urgently want everyone who lives in the Bo’ness community to let us know what they think. An explanation of what is happening is below;
Falkirk Council is looking at community buildings owned in the Falkirk Area. Many buildings are not being used and or need a lot of money to update and maintain. Many buildings do not meet future government environmental targets. In addition, Falkirk Council has to cut £74m pounds from their budget over the next 5 years.
One suggestion has been that two Bo’ness primary schools could be merged into one campus as neither school is full, despite the new housing, or meeting environmental targets.
What does this mean for us in Bo’ness?
Falkirk Council wants to discuss their plans with you the community in three stages which are:
Short Term – Use the Conversations to finalise their draft implementation plan and gain approval on the content from the Council Members in May 2021
Medium Term – Begin to identify options and possible solutions – at this stage there are no approved projects or plans. There is significant work to be done in developing ideas, options and priorities across the Council Area and timescales have not yet been identified for this.
Longer Term – The communities will be advised of progress made in the short term and medium term goal phases and asked again for feedback. Once the plan is made, solutions, including how the building projects will be paid for, will be discussed.
Communities will be advised of progress made in the short term and medium term goal phases and asked again for feedback.
In Bo’ness, the Town Hall, Recreation Centre, Primary Schools, the Library and Cowdenhill Community Hall are being looked at as part of Falkirk Council’s property review and for additional uses.
We urgently want to hear from you in the Bo’ness community about how these buildings could be improved and better used. It is important for you to tell us what you need the buildings for now and in the future and how you think the community should be using these buildings.
Your views will help Falkirk Council make better decisions about the future of these buildings. Any buildings where a better solution cannot be found may be sold.
One option for the Town Hall could be a Community Asset Transfer: The Scottish Government’s Community Empowerment Act allows communities to request a Community Asset Transfer (CAT) to take place. This is where we can ask to have ownership of a community building transferred from the Council to a community group/partnership which would take over the ownership and all responsibility of costs for the building. Community leasing might also be another option.
Are there any groups out there interested in this? We need to know, and if so, do our utmost to help you.
Look for updates on twitter #BonessBuildings, we want to hear your views, ideas and suggestions. We want you to have a voice.
We urgently want everyone who lives in the Bo’ness community to let us know what they think. A number of Council’s are exploring the option of a Secondary Campus where community sports and leisure activities are based in one building. This may be an option that Falkirk Council will wish to explore.
View the proposals here
(PowerPoint Presentation File)
We want all feedback, including if you find the information challenging to understand.
We acknowledge that the facts presented here are limited, and are actively trying to get more information from Falkirk Council as things progress. Nonetheless, we appreciate people in the town providing us with their initial reactions to the information available so far; there will also be further opportunity via Bo’ness CC to pass opinion going forward.
To ensure we can engage Falkirk Council meaningfully, prior to any final discussions or decisions, please send your comments no later than 11:59pm on Monday 12th April